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  廣東漢博新材料有限公司長期專注于金屬表面前處理技術的研發(fā)和應用,公司擁有資深的研發(fā)隊伍和經(jīng)驗豐富的技術服務團 隊,不斷推出功能更全面、更適用、環(huán)境更友好的產(chǎn)品和技術,廣泛應用于多種金屬及產(chǎn)品的清洗、防銹、拉拔等領域,特別致 力于金屬基礎涂裝前的表面處理。

公司秉承“質量、創(chuàng)新、環(huán)保”的發(fā)展理念,與客戶不斷進行新技術交流,向客戶提供綜合系統(tǒng)的解決方案,為客戶提升生產(chǎn) 力,利用我們的專業(yè)技術和技術優(yōu)勢為客戶提升產(chǎn)品價值。我們提供的專業(yè)解決方案和豐富的產(chǎn)品已廣泛應用于鋁型材及幕墻、 家電、家具、機箱機柜、五金、運輸工具及配件、卷材、等領域。

堅持科學發(fā)展觀,以先進的技術為依托,努力研發(fā)和推廣綠色環(huán)保和低成本的新技術是我們經(jīng)營和發(fā)展的導向。在鋁合金處 理領域,推出創(chuàng)新堿洗無鉻鈍化技術;在鋼鐵及鍍鋅等材質的處理方面推出無磷無重金屬的環(huán)保產(chǎn)品以取代傳統(tǒng)的磷化工藝;同 時推出常溫高效的無磷脫脂產(chǎn)品。這一系列成熟環(huán)保產(chǎn)品的推廣,能極大的幫助客戶節(jié)能減排,降低綜合成本。


Guangdong Humber New Materials Co., Ltd. has been committed to research and application of metal surface pretreatment technologies. With a senior research and development team and an experienced technical service team, Humber is continuously launching products and technologies that are more comprehensive, applicable, and environmentally friendly, which are widely used in various fields such as cleaning, rust prevention, and drawing of metals and products, particularly surface treatment before metal foundation coating.

With the development philosophy of "quality, innovation, and environmental protection", Humber constantly exchanges new technologies with custom- ers, provides comprehensive and systematic solutions to customers and enhances their productivity, and utilizes our professional technology and technologi- cal advantages to improve product value for customers. Our professional solutions and rich products have been widely used in aluminum profiles and curtain walls, home appliances, furniture, chassis and cabinets, hardware, transportation tools and accessories, rolls, and other fields.

Humber adheres to scientific development concept, relies on advanced technology, and strives to research and promote new technologies that are green, environmentally friendly and low-cost, which become the guiding principles of our business and development. Humber has launched the innovative alkaline wash chromium-free passivation technology in the field of aluminum alloy treatment, and introduced the environmentally friendly products that are free of phosphorus and heavy metal in the treatment of steel and galvanized materials to replace traditional phosphating processes, and simultaneously launched the efficient phosphorus-free degreasing products at constant temperature. The promotion of these mature and environmentally friendly products can be greatly supportive for customers to save energy, reduce emissions and reduce overall costs.

It is the diligent pursuit of all colleagues at Guangdong Humber New Materials Co., Ltd. to achieve significant development for the enterprise, create value for customers, and collaborate to promote the progress of surface technology in China.

Quality, innovation,
environmental protection



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